Design, engineering and technology
Current and resistance poster
Secondary classroom poster illustrating the concepts of current and resistance, their measurements and affecting factors.
Download the single poster or order a full set from the IET Education website.
Future travel poster
Secondary classroom poster exploring the green solutions for future travel.
Download or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
3D Printing poster
Secondary classroom poster looking at the 3D printing process and how it can be used to make everyday objects.
Download here or order a full set for free from the IET Education website.
Bubble engineering poster
Secondary classroom poster where Professor Eleanor Stride explains her innovative research using bubble engineering.
Download the single poster or order a full set for free from the IET Education website.
Transport poster
Primary classroom poster explaining more about cars and how they move.
Download the individual poster here or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
The International Space Station poster
Primary classroom poster exploring the ISS.
Download the single poster or order the full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Weather poster
Primary classroom poster explaining more about the weather in different parts of the world.
Order a full set of primary posters for free form the IET Education website.
Robotics poster
Primary classroom poster looking at how the design of the Mars Curiosity enables it to explore the planet Mars effectively.
Download the single poster here or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Section drawings poster
Primary classroom poster showing your students how to draw a section drawing.
Download the single poster here or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Comparing the carbon footprint of transportation
A maths-based challenge for KS3 to calculate the journey times and carbon footprint of different methods of travel
As well as testing students’ mathematical abilities, this activity highlights the issue of sustainable travel and the effects of some modes of transport on the environment.
This could be used as a one-off main lesson activity to use maths skills in context, or as part of a scheme of work on sustainability, to build knowledge and understanding of climate change and ways of reducing it.
Activity introduction
This activity is one of a series of resources designed in conjunction with Network Rail to develop understanding and skills in key maths, science, and engineering concepts.
The carbon footprint data in the presentation is derived from passenger-specific figures published by BEIS/Defra Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors 2019.
Transportation speeds are approximations based on typical values obtained from commonly used search engines. Any statistical or speed-related data used in this activity serves its sole purpose within the activity and may not accurately mirror current real-world conditions. Variability might arise due to seasonal changes, environmental conditions, or legal constraints.
When utilising the activity sheet, students can construct tables for each journey, showcasing their findings (as depicted on the sheet). For air travel, a buffer of 3 hours should be allotted to account for check-in, security procedures, and boarding at airports.
To add an additional layer of complexity, transit times to airports and railway stations could be incorporated.
The presentation includes supplementary slides for those who prefer kilometres instead of miles.
The engineering context
Engineers must understand how products impact the environment; This pertains not only to modes of transportation but also encompasses the production of new items. They can use this knowledge to balance the environmental impact with the function carried out by the product. Engineers can also develop new or improved
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, students will be able to solve a contextual problem using division and multiplication, and they will understand how to calculate journey times and the carbon footprint for alternative modes of transport.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
You can download our step-by-step instructions below as either a classroom lesson plan or PowerPoint presentation.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation.
Turn milk into plastic
A project to make mouldable plastic from milk
In this activity, learners will make mouldable plastic (casein) from milk and then use a mould to form a shape. It will help them to understand how plastic is made from natural resources.
In an era of escalating environmental concerns and an urgent need for sustainable materials, transforming an everyday staple like milk into a versatile and biodegradable plastic presents a compelling and innovative solution.
This activity could be used as a main lesson to teach learners about plastic, covering manufacturing processes and techniques using natural resources. It could also be used as part of an introduction to plastics and their environmental impact and help develop their knowledge and skills in Design & Technology, Engineering, Science and Mathematics.
This resource is part of a group for Plastic-free Month that could be carried out either in school or at home.
The engineering context
Engineers actively contribute to environmental conservation by seeking innovative methods to produce plastic. Although plastic is extremely useful, the finite nature of crude oil underscores the need for alternatives. Bioengineers are currently exploring using organic resources such as sugarcane, potatoes, and various plants to enhance the sustainability of plastic production.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity, students will be able to make mouldable plastic from milk, and they will understand that plastics made from natural products could be a way to protect the environment.
Download our activity sheet and related resources for free!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
You can download our step-by-step instructions below as either a classroom lesson plan or PowerPoint presentation.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation.
Design a pair of futuristic sunglasses
In this activity learners will sketch and annotated design for a sustainable pair of sunglasses aimed at the young professional adults of the future.
This activity could be used as a main lesson activity to teach learners about generating design ideas or sketching, or part of a wider scheme of learning covering design processes and techniques. It could also be used as part of an introduction to sustainability issues, such as the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment.
Resources required:
A4 or A3 paper, if not using handout
Pencils, pens, coloured pencils and sketching tools
Optional, if available: 3D CAD software for extension activity
Download the activity sheets for free!
And please do share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
The Vikings - Integrated project
Multi-lesson activity on The Vikings free KS2 lesson plan activity
This is a multi-lesson integrated classroom project teaching resource based around the theme of the Vikings. It aims to show how Design & Technology and Engineering can be built into a wider theme-based set of primary lesson activities covering a range of curriculum areas including Literacy, Numeracy, Computing/ICT, Design & Technology, Engineering, History and Art.
Teachers can select the activities they feel best fit with their lesson planning and carry out as stand-alone activities, or learners can complete all activities within this teaching resource as part of an integrated scheme of work.
Activity: Four activities based on the Vikings
Learners will look at who the Vikings were, where they came from and their importance in the history of the United Kingdom and Europe.
All classroom activities are suitable for the KS2 level and can be done as stand-alone activities or done in turn so as to complete the full multi-lesson integrated project.
The Engineering Context
Understanding about the history of engineering and design helps engineers to learn from past successes and mistakes. For example, learning about Viking longboats helps us to understand why boats float and what materials are the best to use in boat construction.
Engineers need to have good literacy and numeracy skills in order to successfully create design solutions and communicate their ideas.
Suggested learning outcomes
It is important for learners to understand about key people and groups of people from history as well as what we learnt from them. This resource combines history with art and design and technology and aims to show how engineering can be built into a wider theme-based multi-lesson project.
Specifically, children will learn how to research and analyse viking longboats including what they were made from and how they worked; they will be able to write and act out a script about how the Vikings lived; they will be able to design a Viking pin badge; and be able to make a Viking purse using one of two different methods.
Download our activity sheets for free!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teachers’ notes, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please do share your highlights with us @IETeducation
Flood Defence Challenge
A set of printable resources and guidance notes giving teachers and technicians the basic ingredients to run their very own IET Faraday® Challenge Day.
The challenge
Students work in teams to design and make a prototype of a simple device, that will allow homeowners to remove water from their homes, during periods of flooding.
About IET Faraday® Challenge Days
IET Faraday® Challenge Days are designed for six teams of six students (36 students in total) aged 12-13 years (year 8, and equivalent) and is carried out over one school day.
A cross-curricular Science, Design and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activity day that encourages the development of students’ problem solving, team working and communication skills.
Students achieve a better understanding of what engineering is and the science, maths and technology elements within engineering, leading to increased engagement in science or technology lessons afterwards.
The challenge has been specifically designed to give students the opportunity to be creative in their solutions and to succeed, independent of their level of ability. This activity is therefore suitable for a range of different ability levels.
All online resources are free to download, and the student booklet and PowerPoint presentation are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
You can stream and download the related films for free by clicking on the link in the related resources section.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
To view the additional supporting videos, please visit the IET Education website.
Make a model hydraulic boat lift
Making a model of a hydraulic boat lift using syringes
This is one of a series of resources produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems that are designed to allow learners to use the theme of waterways to develop their knowledge and skills in Design & Technology, Engineering and Science. This resource is based on the Anderton boat lift and the use of hydraulic systems.
The teacher will first discuss what is meant by a hydraulic system and how they are used in engineering applications such as cranes and brakes. The teacher will then demonstrate the steps shown in the presentation to make the model boat lift. Learners will then carry out the activity and produce their own models before showing their boat lift models to peers and asking what could be improved.
This activity can be simplified (particularly for less able students) by pre-cutting the templates and corrugated cardboard to size. An exemplar model could be used to illustrate what the final boat life should look like.
Print out the handout for learners to cut out and use the templates.
As an extension students could investigate how much the boat lift can lift.
This activity is designed to take between 45-70 minutes to complete.
Tools/resources required
Corrugated cardboard sheets
10 ml syringes
Cable ties (Size: 20 cm length)
3 mm clear plastic tube
Water and measuring jugs
Food dye
Sticky tack
Masking tape, sticky tape or hot glue gun (optional)
Craft knife and cutting mat (teacher only)
The engineering context
The waterways (including their protection, maintenance and control) is an excellent context to explore opportunities that working in the engineering industry presents. For example, constructing locks, building narrowboats or making and maintaining boat lifts.
Engineers often make models of working systems to test how they function. For example, a crane designer will make models of different crane designs to see which structures can provide the best support and which designs can lift the heaviest object.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this free resource students will be able to know the difference between pneumatic and hydraulic systems; know that 3D shapes can be constructed using templates; and be able to make a model of a simple boat lift model using syringes.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
How to make a simple electronic switch
Learn how electronic switches work and assemble a variety of different switches in this fun and engaging STEM activity!
This is a free resource that could be used in KS2 as an extension to an activity to introduce circuits, or to support a design and make project, such as the doorbell activity or adding a motor to the ‘cardboard cars’ activity.
This activity will take approximately 70-90 minutes.
Tools/resources required
4 x AA batteries in holder
Buzzers (e.g. Miniature Electronic Buzzer 6v)
3 lengths of wire, each 100-150 mm long (only a single length is required if a battery holder with attached wires is used; no wires will be needed if the buzzer also has attached wires)
4 metal split pin fasteners and 1 paper clip per pupil
A5 pieces of card (can be cut to A6 for backing of the paper clip switch and 2 x A7 for the folded and foil switch)
Metal foil
Sticky tape or electrical insulation tape.
(Potential sources for the components include Rapid or TTS Group)
If needed: Wire cutters/strippers
Hole punches (ideally single hole punches)
Pre-made models of each switch, for demonstration
Electronic switches
An electrical circuit is a group of components that are connected together, typically using wires. The wires are usually copper metal, which is highly conductive, coated with insulating plastic, to prevent electric shocks. The circuit must be continuous (i.e., have no breaks) to allow electricity to flow through the components and back to its source, such as a battery. Switches make a gap in the circuit to stop electricity flowing when they are open. There are a wide variety of different types of switches that can be used.
The engineering context
Circuits form the basis of all electrical equipment, ranging from lighting in homes to televisions and computers.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this activity students will be able to construct an electrical switch, they will have an understanding that a complete circuit is required for electricity to flow, and they will be able to construct an electrical circuit.
Download the activity sheets for free!
All activity sheets, worksheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Easter diorama box project
A graphics project that makes an Easter box diorama
In this Easter engineering activity for secondary school students’, learners will use net templates to make card parts to allow them to assemble an Easter box diorama.
This is a lesson plan for an engaging Easter box diorama project. This could be used as a main lesson activity, to teach learners how to use nets to make useable objects. It could also be used as one of several activities within a wider scheme of learning focussing on the use of maths to understand the use of nets. Alternatively, it can be used as a part of a wider group of resources that use the Easter theme to build knowledge and skills in Design and Technology.
This graphics project is one of a series of free resources designed to allow learners to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology and Mathematics. This resources focusses on the making of Easter boxes using folded card. Nets are used for the box and egg designs. Nets are important as they allow 3D objects to be made when folded.
Download the free activity sheet for more detailed instructions and for optional extension work. Also included is a fun bonus wordsearch with words used in the activity to enhance learning.
This exercise will take approximately 50 – 80 minutes.
Tools/resources required
Glue sticks
The engineering context
Understanding how nets are used is considered in the making of products and is an important part of the new GCSE courses in Design and Technology and Engineering.
Engineers are required to use mathematics knowledge and skills regularly as part of their everyday job. It is therefore essential that they are able to use nets to allow them to make scale models of buildings and other structures.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this fun graphic design project students will know how nets are used to make Easter boxes. They will also be able to fold and glue parts together to make an Easter diorama box.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Build an Easter bunny basket
Making structures from card and assembling these into baskets
In this hands-on STEM activity for kids, students will learn about 3D structures within a graphics projects. The project will involve using templates to help them cut out the parts for an Easter bunny basket.
This fun exercise is aimed at primary school children and could be used as a main lesson activity, to teach learners about simple structures made from separate parts.
This is one of a set of free resources designed to allow learners to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology and Mathematics. This resource focuses on building an Easter bunny-shaped basket.
The teacher will first print the activity sheet, which can be downloaded below, onto thin card and distribute to the learners.
Learners can then follow these steps to build their own DIY Easter bunny basket. Once learners have completed each step for themselves, the teacher can explain how nets are used to make objects and how separate parts are used to make a larger structure.
Learners will share their completed bunny baskets with the class. What do you think went well? What could be improved?
This activity will take approximately 50 – 80 minutes to complete.
Tools/resources required
Glue sticks
Cotton wool (for the bunny tails)
The engineering context
Engineers use nets and card to allow them to make scale 3D models of buildings and other structures, as well as packaging for products.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this STEM challenge learners will be able to understand how structures are made using separate parts and they will be able to make and assemble a bunny basket structure from card parts.
Download the free Build an Easter Bunny Basket activity sheet below! Also includes a bonus wordsearch to enhance sticky learning.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Build a bunny craft activity
Making structures from card strips and assembling these into animal forms
In this fun Easter themed STEM activity for kids, students will learn about 3D structures within a graphical project. Learners will build a bunny using card strips from a template.
This free resource, aimed at primary school children, could be used as a main lesson activity, to teach learners about simple structures made from separate parts.
This is one of a set of resources designed to allow learners to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology and Mathematics. This resource focuses on building a card structure, to make a bunny.
The teacher will first print the free activity sheet, which can be found below, onto thin card and distribute to the learners.
Learners can then follow this step-by-step guide to build their own DIY Easter bunny.
If time allows learners could decorate their Easter bunnies. They will then share their completed bunnies with the class.
This activity will take approximately 50 – 80 minutes.
Tools/resources required
Build a bunny handout
Colouring pencils/pens (optional to colour in your bunny before assembly)
The engineering context
Engineers use nets and card to allow them to make scaled 3D models of buildings and other structures, as well as packaging for products.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this STEM challenge learners will be able to understand how structures are made using separate parts and they will be able to make and assemble a bunny structure from card strips.
Download the free Build a bunny activity sheet below! Also includes a bonus worksearch to enhance sticky learning.
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Make a papier mâché Easter egg
Learn how to make papier mâché Easter eggs with balloons in this fun STEM activity for kids
In this fun Easter STEM activity for kids, students will learn how to use papier mâché and a balloon to make and decorate an Easter egg that they can use as part of their celebrations.
This activity is aimed at primary school students and could be used as a main lesson activity to teach learners about making techniques, design creativity and the use of colour, or part of a wider scheme of learning covering graphics-based techniques. There are also potential curriculum links with the Art department and STEAM based activities.
This is one of a set of resources designed to allow learners to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology and Mathematics. This resource focuses on making and decorating a papier mâché Easter egg with different coloured paints.
Follow this step-by-step guide to make your very own papier mâché Easter egg.
Download our free activity sheet for more detailed instructions, teachers notes and optional extension work. Also included is a fun bonus maze activity.
Tools/resources required
A balloon
Newspaper and white paper
Wallpaper paste (flour and water or PVA glue can be used instead)
A small plastic pot
Different coloured paints and other materials for decorating, such as foam letters and card borders
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this Easter STEM challenge learners will be able to use papier mâché and a balloon to make an Easter egg model. They will also be able to use colour to decorate a papier mâché based egg and they will be able to show creativity when designing and making products.
The engineering context
Engineers make product models to test ideas and see how they will work. Papier mâché can be used to make 3D models. Its other applications include masks for the theatre, structures for carnival floats and even disposable fuel tanks for aircrafts!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.